On the use of Side Information Based Improved K-Means Algorithm for Text Clustering

Nikhil Patankar, Sailee Salkar


In many text mining applications, such as Scientific
Research Publication data, Internet Movie Database, etc. as metainformation
or side-information is linked with the text documents
collection. It is observed that, such attributes may contain a
tremendous amount of information for clustering purposes.
However, the relative importance of this side-information may be
difficult to estimate, especially when some of the information is
noisy. Additionally, it can be risky to incorporate side- information
into the mining process, because it can either improve the quality of
the representation for the mining process, or can add noise to the
process. Therefore, this paper explores way to perform the mining
process, so as to maximize the advantages from using this side
information in text mining applications with the use of COntent and
Auxiliary attribute based TExt clustering Algorithm (COATES)
approach which combines classical partitioning algorithms with
probabilistic models in order to create an effective clustering
approach along with its extension to the classification problem

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