Performance Evaluation of Perfo Spray Irrigation System
In India both surface and ground water, are scare and its proper utilization is must. All flow irrigation system gives about 40 to 45% efficiency. Search for, a most efficient irrigation method for private users was studied and solution to this is, pressurized irrigation methods. Perfo Spray System has effective use of Water, Irrigation of steep and rolling topography without producing run-off and erosion, Proper irrigation of shallow soils, Frequent watering whenever needed for germination crop is possible Labor saving, Leaching of salts from saline soils, Keeps crop free from insects and diseases. This system operates with low pressures (5 to 15m), This system has high application rate hence irrigation time is less and hence more are can be irrigates by moving lateral in short time with careful handling Useful for vegetable fields, nursery and orchards.
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