Physics Engineering and Technical Development for a Sustainable Industry

Burhan Davarcioglu


Physics engineering the ”systematic thinking” and the ”mathematical thinking” skill. In other words, physics engi- neering, ”the use of scientific knowledge in practice” is. In general sense, engineering in fact is ”creativity” it produces thought and product, so the engineering is ”ergonomics” and ”applicability”. The main function of an engineer is to design and build structure- construction. So the engineering is science of application and mathematics towards designing and constructing. In the physics engineering education, by taking individual differences into account, trend of adopting multi faceted approaches in quality and type of education of individuals is fundamental. Applied physics engineering departments are responsible for pioneering in the areas of science and technology  other  than  education  and training programs they currently offer. This can only be achieved through the projects of the administration towards science and technology. Environmental impacts of technological activities include environmental problems that arise as a result  of any process. The steadily declining current energy sources direct attention to the development of technologies for the use    of alternative energy sources. Consequently, it is important for the country to move from the stage of technology transfer to    the stage of generating technology through major restructuring. The beginning of the 21. century has been a turning point in technology and industrial developments reaching the peak access to resources, whereas the degradation of ecological balance and the destruction of natural resources has been a severe result

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