Node Mobility Prediction in Mobile Grid Computing

Amit S. Savyanavar, Vijay R. Ghorpade


Mobile grid comprises of mobile nodes. A node can be a
part of the network only if it continues to be connected to the grid. If
we can manage to predict the next location of a node, we can
determine if a task can be assigned to it for computing without its
failure due to disconnection.The prediction of nodemobility is
crucial for communication and enhancing the lifetime of the
The Proposed technique that uses mobility prediction algorithm to
investigate them ovement of thenodes.The proposed LocPsystem
periodically collects location data with optimalenergy
consumptionand predictsthefuture location.The system was deployed
on Android mobile for data collection and prediction. Our
experimental results provide a modus operandi for energy efficient
location monitoring and prediction.

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