FPGA Based Adaptive Filter for Removal of High Frequency Noise from Electrocardiogram Signal

Anil M. Kasture, P. C. Bhaskar


Improvements in capacity, performance and decrease in
cost, FPGAs have become a viable solution for making custom chips
and programmable DSP devices. High frequency noise consist of
Muscle contraction, Electromagnetic interference etc. High
frequency noise generate rapid fluctuation which is very faster than
Electrocardiogram (ECG) wave. High frequency may be in the range
of 100 to 10 KHz and duration is 50 ms. In this paper presents
Design and implementation of a architecture for a LMS based
Adaptive filter to minimize the high frequency noise from (ECG)
signal. This architecture is implemented on FPGA using Spartan
3s400pq208-4 board and Xilinx system Generator (XSG) software.
The signals under experiment are retrieved from MIT-BIH database
and are added with high frequency noise. Efficient removal of high
frequency noise is verified and observations are noted for getting
desirable SNR.This research work is carried out by using FPGA for
adaptive filter using LMS Algorithm to remove High frequency
noise with preventing high frequency component of ECG signal.

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