IoT based Face Mask and Body Temperature Detection System for Covid-19: A Review

Sushant J. Pawar, Swati S. Pawar, Prathmesh Ausarkar, Ashok Tribhuvan, Jagruti Thoke


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is mandatory to wear a face mask in public spaces, wearing a mask properly offers maximum safety against viral transmission of covid. The temperature of the body has also become an important factor in determining whether an individual is healthy or affected. In this system, we design a real-time model to satisfy current demand to detect the mask-wearing percentage and body temperature of a person before he or she enters a public space. In this system, we used face detection method to detect a mask position and body temperature detection with the help of an Arduino and temperature sensor. We used an ESP camera and temperature sensor to capture input images and measure a person’s temperature, respectively. The output of these experiments is a live video streaming that shows accurate information about whether a person is wearing a mask properly or not and whether his or her body temperature is right or is it below the threshold temperature range. if it is above or below then the door will not open and the indicator Red light will glow with the beep of buzzer or if it is satisfied level then the door


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