A Study of Pose Estimation and Its Recent Advancements

Om Masne, Mohit Bohra, Gita Fase, Amitkumar Manekar, Kshitij Khillare


Pose estimation is a challenge in computer vision field which has been researched for quite some time, reason being the richness of applications that can benefit from such technology. Pose estimation is one of the main components in problems which include the approximation of object placement and location relative to the reference frame. It is the task of using techniques such as machine learning methods to calculate the pose of a character from a video or image by approximating the spatial locations of key body joints.


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Sandip Foundation's International Journal on Emerging Trends in Technology (IJETT) IJETT | ISSN: 2455 - 0124 (Online) | GIF : 0.456 | April 2022 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | 19014


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