Mobile Learning: Steps towards Transforming Traditional Learning to e-learning

Shinde Dnyandeo Dattatraya, Ramjee Prasad


In today's world of digitization, each field is rapidly using modern technology for achieving fast and better results. Traditional methods of booking tickets at station/shops, purchasing the articles in malls, and others are replaced by online booking and online purchasing, reducing the efforts and is faster. Even the comparison of the products is possible at the fingertips instead of window shopping. The rapid growth of digitization also marked in the field of education. The younger generation is more techno-savvy, and the use of smartphones and the internet is rapidly increasing. The area of education is also transforming with the use of ICT. Internet tools find their application for learning. It's time to change the traditional method of teaching from chalk and talk to e-learning. The paper shows how effective the use of mobile can enhance the teaching-learning process. The article highlights the use of wireless technologies in the Education sector

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