Resource optimization and task scheduling in cloud computing
Cloud computing is a need of current and modern technology. Task scheduling and resource optimization are important aspects of cloud computing. Resource scheduling in cloud is a tough task and the planning of right resources to cloud workloads counts on the QoS needs of cloud applications, while in parallel with this task, gain is one of the most important aspect From which the cloud service suppliers point of view it is mainly determined by the structure of a cloud service platform under given market demand, However, facing the numerous cloud suppliers as well as their heterogeneous pricing strategies, customers may well be confused with which clouds are appropriate for storing their facts and what hosting strategy is cheaper. In particular, recently numerous studies have focused on determining the bond between server side system data and performance undergo for reducing resource wastage. Like all businesses, the benefit of a specialist system in distributed computing is identified with two sections, which are the cost and the income. The resource optimization and scheduling consist of allocating a single type of resource among the waiting jobs.
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