Leap Motion Estimation for Controlling and Tracking of Drone

Ganesh Attarde, Omkar Vaidya, Gayatri Phade


Some technologies are being used in day to day life to reduce the human effort that means the interfacing between machine and man is take place that increases the application ranges of the systems we use a leap motion to improve the system parameter analysis and the range of application. Leap motion sensor is a new gadget having three infrared sensors to catch the gestures of hands and fingers precisely to a millimeter in 3-D space. By utilizing the data from the leap motion gadget and calculating inverse kinematics for the data using a java program. Drone is amazing invention which is very helpful in doing complicated task with more easily. Now a day’s drone are used in search and rescue systems, security and military appli-cations, Aerial photography and video and Surveying because of their accurate result and tendency to do repetitive and more time taking task efficiently. To enhance system performance we are using drone, but in modern era controlling Drone system manually is less efficient. The main concern is to create a system which is helpful for controlling Drone manually from remote location. This kind of system might be beneficial in military applications and space research. Drone control using gesture is getting popular. In existing system of sixth sense technology 2-D camera is used which is not gave preci e output. As remedy of these drawbacks like background conflict and light intensity problem we are using 3-D leap motion controller for hand ge ture recognition. The gesture recognition in three-dimen ional is very precise and it has great enhancement on the peed where after receiving signal of gestures from u er’s input and drone will work on input given.

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