Smart Gas System for Auto Leakage Detection, Weight Sensing, and Refilling using GSM Technology
Human negligence and ignorance concerning LPG handling can cause serious risks which may lead to fire and explosion. LPG is heavier than air, which makes it difficult to disperse, if leak happens ignition may happen and cause an explosion. When LPG Gas cylinder is empty, booking request is sent for new cylinder to Gas Agency by owner of the cylinder by message or call. Most of time it happens that because of the rush or due to the shortage of cylinder. There is a delay in providing the gas cylinder. Main reason behind this is delay in informing the gas provider at the last moment when the gas becomes empty. In home or in hotels the main purpose of LPG gas is for cooking. But in industry sometimes, LPG gas or some other combustible gas is used for some other purposes like welding or cutting or for some other use. In these places if the LPG gas inside cylinder is finished at that time request for new gas cylinder is sent to the storage department but if there is shortage in stock then there is delay in providing new gas cylinder. In many cases, unfortunately accidents happen due to leakage of cylinders, which causes various damages to human life or even losses life. To remove these pitfalls proposed system uses a leakage detection algorithm and a weight sensor algorithm. This sensor will be placed below the LPG gas cylinder. Output of weight sensor is given to microcontroller. Microcontroller will continuously monitor the weight of LPG gas. The threshold value is given to microcontroller. When LPG gas crosses the threshold limit it sends the messages to owner of gas cylinder as well as the service provider for refill booking.
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