Multimodal Face Pair Matching System

Ms. Divya K. Sawant, Prof. N. M. Shahane


A face recognition system can be thought as an
identification or verification system. Face pair matching is a
challenging task which aims to determine whether two face
images represent the same person. Many times the face images
being compared are having complicated facial variations and
limited expressive information which becomes a difficult problem.
To address these issues, the proposed approach concentrate on
exploiting an additional set of face images called as cohort set.
The proposed system is able to perform multimodal face pair
matching using cohort information. The inputs to this system
are pair of face images to be matched and the set of cohort face
images. All cohort images are ranked separately based on pair
of face images to generate two lists. Then cohort information are
extracted from two sorted cohort list and combined with direct
matching score of the two input face images to form modality.
The final decision of matching is made by fusing all available
face modalities.

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