Improving Security and Packet Delivery against Black Hole Attacks with Multiple Base Station in Wireless Sensor Network

Bhosale Bhagyashali Keshav


Wireless sensor network (WSN) is comprised of a
large number of sensors that collaboratively monitor various
environments which sense and forward temperature, humidity,
etc. In WSN, Black hole attack is occurred when adversary
or intermediary captures the node they do not transmit data
to next node instead of that they transmit wrong/false event
information to the base station. Literature study has been
proved the 100attack and 99in presence of black hole attack
by allowing packet transmission to other base station where
base stations are deployed at various places. Our focus is on
successful data delivery at multiple base stations. In this paper
we have been proved the 100station by implementing lightweight
security model. We analyze Tiny Encryption Algorithm from
literature survey which deals with authentication, encryption and
decryption yields feasible solution for wireless sensor networks.

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