An Industrial Purpose Smart Mirror For Mood Detection
In today’s generation, the rapid growth of ever rising technologies is making the human life simpler and time efficient, and thus there is need of more real time systems that are using technologies. Smart mirror is one of them. The concept of smart mirror is a simple mirror with embedded intelligence enhanced with the help of technology. The human gesture part of human’s lifestyle is nowadays playing an important role and thus by observing the movements of nose,cheeks, eyes, brows etc. we can easily recognize a person’s face using the concept of image processing. This system is also based on artificial intelligence as it will detect the face and mood of human standing in front of the mirror. This development of smart mirror will make it beneficial for the employees and staff in an organization. This mirror will provide features like real time interaction with the user using audio feedback and will perform mood detection. Apart from this it will also provide basic functionalities such as clock, time and date, room temperature etc. The smart mirror CPU is Raspberry Pi 3 Model B computer.
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