A Study of Cloud Forensics: Technical Issues, Challenges, Tools and Technologies

Kalyan Bamane, Dinesha H. A


Cloud Forensics is a blend of Cloud Computing and
Digital/Cyber Forensics innovation. Cloud Forensics is essentially
an application inside a Digital Forensics which oversees the
assault and crime happened over the cloud and investigates on
it. Cloud computing is executes on wide system, which spreads
around the world. Subsequently, Cloud Forensics can be seen as
a subset of Network Forensics. The center procedure still stays
as the digital forensic examination of system. In any case, when
the information is erased or modified, it turns into the essential
wellspring of proof in advanced legal sciences. In Cloud Forensics,
it will be a test to recuperate the erased information, recognize
information proprietor, and utilize those information for recovery.
The cloud service providers (CSPs) and the clients still can’t
seem to actualize cloud legal abilities which will bolster the
investigation on the off chance that if any assault is occurred or
information hack happens. This execution requires fundamental
comprehension of cloud forensic issues, difficulties, tools and
innovations which are projected to in this paper.

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