Secure Key Distribution and Data Sharing for Dynamic Groups in Multiple Clouds

Smita Bhosale, Anil Gujar


Today, use of cloud computing is rapidly growing for
several purposes, mainly for large data storage and sharing data
in clouds. Here, users can share data for dynamic groups with
cost-effectively. Membership is frequently changing in a cloud.
The Existing system is using the protected (secure) commutation
channel for data sharing. This implementation is difficult for
practice. Still, the existing system is suffering from collusion
attack and insecure key distribution with a single cloud. There
is no assurance of the data confidentiality and accessibility. In
the proposed system, multiple cloud services are used to store
data. The System is proposing a safe way for key distribution
without using any protected communication channels, and the
user can safely get their private keys from group administrators
(managers).Any users in the gathering can use the source in
the cloud and denied users cannot get to the cloud once more.
The system provides fine-grained access control. Also, the system
supports the anti-collusion attack with an untrustworthy cloud.
Our system is proposing triple levels of encryption techniques and
a file is stored in a split format on multiple clouds in different
groups using a hybrid cloud. The system is providing secure

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