Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Access Control For Multiauthority Systems
and size of encryption and decryption is depend on the number
of attributes used for encryption and decryption.So if attributes
increased size also increased.There are some multi-authority
CP-ABE scheme in which the authorities need not interact
to generate public information during the system initialization
phase. Besides, the multi-authority ABE eliminates the key
escrow problem, achieves the length of ciphertext optimization
and enhances efficiency of encryption and decryption.We propose
a Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Access Control Scheme for
multiauthority system.In our system we are going to propose
a system which contains an encryption and decryption process
by using multiple attributes and also we will use attribute
revocation process at each clients as well as server with a multiple
authorities.This multiauthority ABE eliminates the key escrow
problem, achieves the length of ciphertext optimization and
enhances the efficiency of encryption and decryption operations.
Full Text:
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