A New Method of Harmonic Minimization in HVDC Transmission System Based on New Converter Transformer
The bulk amount of electrical power over a long distance
is transmitted by the High Voltage Direct Current
Transmission (HVDC) network. The converter transformer is
an integral part of an HVDC system. The major losses occur
in the converter transformer is a harmonic losses. Traditional
converter transformer has certain drawbacks which are
overcome by the new converter transformer and its filtering
method which is presented in this paper. The problems
associated with the traditional converter transformer is the
harmonic content in the primary winding, due to this
harmonic content increase in noise and loss produced in the
transformer. This paper presents the wiring connection
scheme, determination of the winding turn ratio and it
explains the harmonic reduction principle of the new
converter transformer. Finally, it prepared the MATLAB
simulation model of HVDC transmission scheme based on
traditional converter transformer and new converter
transformer. The parameters for the traditional converter
transformer and HVDC transmission system are taken from
the Chandrapur-Padghe HVDC transmission line. The
simulation results of the FFT analysis for current waveform
shows that the 5th,7th, 11th and 13th harmonic components can
be efficiently reduced on the valve side with its filtering
method. The simulation results have compared with
traditional HVDC system; the feasibility and reliability of the
new converter transformer and the method of harmonic
reduction are verified.
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