Design of Medium Voltage Drive and Load Filter for Long Length Cable Connecting Electrical Submersible Pump
Electrical submersible pump (ESP) of high power rating are mainly
used in oil field application and to connect that ESP system long
length cable is required in ESP system so harmonics and high
voltage transient is produce due to series harmonic resonance in the
system so the load filter is essential in that applications. In this
paper Problem due to long length cable are discussed. Design of
cable with different length and their effect on ESP system is
discussed. A load filter with properly design method and improperly
design method is compare for medium voltage drive (MVD)and their
effect on total harmonic distortion is discussed. Matlab simulation is
conducted for neutral point clamped (NPC) inverter withcable and
three cases (no load filter, load filter with properly design, load filter
with improperly design) and total harmonic distortion (THD),
transient peak voltage at ESP terminal are investigated with different
length of cable.
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