Effect of Higher Alcohols Addition on the Performance Characteristics of Variable Compression Four Stroke Spark Ignition Engine
ignition engine .Now Indian Government is making policy to
blend 15 % ethanol in gasoline to overcome pollution problem
and energy crises but it is observed that E-10 increases break
thermal efficiency of a engine while E-15 lowers break
thermal efficiency due to low calorific value. Higher alcohol
reported higher heating value as compared to ethanol. So this
paper investigate the effect of higher alcohol addition in E-10
blends on performance characteristic of single cylinder four
stroke S.I engine at variable compression ratio. Total six
blends of higher alcohol, ethanol with gasoline were prepared
on volume basis. In every blend ethanol % is kept constant as
10% while higher alcohols % were varied from 2 to 3%.
Performance tests were conducted at variable compression
ratio at constant speed around 2800 rpm with various blends
.Performance characteristics like break specific fuel
consumption and break thermal efficiency were calculated at
variable compression ratio and compared with Gasoline,E-10
and E-15. The results showed that addition of higher alcohol
in E-10 blend improves performance characteristics
Full Text:
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