Experimental Evaluation of Age estimation using Facial feature extraction through CNN

Nikhil L Kulkarni, Niranjan L Bhale


Human facial image processing has been keeping
researchers interested and baffled for years. Since human
faces provide a lot of information, this information has been
studied thoroughly since many topics have been related to this
information provided by human face. For proper Face
detection accuracy in facial feature extraction must be
maintained since it plays a crucial role in face alignment. It is
an obligatory processing for facial attributes detection. The
sense is to devise a feature-extraction course of action that can
furthermore be secondhand for feebleness estimation in real
survival applications.
Face gives away most of the information required to
estimate the age of a person. Hence the problem of age
estimation has been cut down by doing facial age estimation.
Business stuff, stake, human-cantered image conception, agespecific
avocation systems, protecting minors from adult web
sites and venues etc. compel directly or indirectly infirmity of
the user/client hereafter they bounce be eventual as
applications to Human Age Estimation (HAE). Since age
plays a major role in facial changes, it has come to the
forefront. Points are usually located on the corners, tips or mid
points of the facial features like nose, eyes, lips, etc.
Realization and detection of facial centerpiece points plays a
noteworthy role in manifold facial conception applications
relish video review, greet recognition, decrepitude grouping,
bathos classification, engage modeling, face anthropometric,
emotion euphemism, montage curio, and robotics.

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International Journal on Emerging Trends in Technology (IJETT)

ISSN: 2455 - 0124 (ONLINE) | 2350 - 0808 (PRINT) | (IF: 0.456)

Volume 3 | Issue 2 | July - 2016 | Special Issue


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