The Role of Mobile Social Networks in Information Diffusion

Ms. Poonam Wagh


Mobile Social Networks have become ubiquitous in our daily
life; as such it has attracted great research interests recently.
Online social networking technologies enable individuals
tosimultaneously share information with any number of peers.
Quantifying the causal effect of these mediums on the
dissemination of information requires not only identification
of who influences whom, but also of whether individuals
would still propagate information in the absence of social
signals about that information.Before fully utilizing mobile
social networks as a platform for viral marketing, many
challenges have to be addressed. In this paper, we address the
problem of identifying a small number of individuals through
whom the information can be diffused to the network as soon
as possible, referred to as the diffusion minimization problem.
The real trace compared to existing algorithms, and the
distributed set-cover algorithm outperforms the approximation
algorithm in the real trace in terms of diffusion time.

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