A Review on Secure Wall Post Sharing In Social Networking Environment
With growing popularity of social networking sites its usage is
tremendously enhanced. Due to such massive usage, it has
some privacy issues that it doesn’t have control on the
unwanted post that displayed on the users or their friends
wall. Certain users addicted to share their photos on OSN. But
sometimes there may be chances to leak their private photos
when they allowed displaying them without any secrecy.
Recently, social networking sites like facebook improved their
privacy levels that user can have their own control on their
profile. To provide privacy for users wall rule-based system is
implemented. It allows customize filtering for users profiles.
Text based filtering techniques can provide message filtering
based on the content. Some sort text classifier techniques
provide analysis of message content. Whereas, FR system
automatically ide8ntify users shared images and videos. By
analyzing picture present in shared image or video, decision
can be taken that whether to share or block the content with
respect to user policies. System may also provide facility to
auto blocking of user. If user always try to post video of
certain person without his/her permission more than three
times then user will get automatically blocked. It will evaluate
the system performance on large dataset and can calculate
accuracy of the system. To control privacy leakage in social
networking user may have some base to give permission
before tagging or posting his/her photos or co-photos. FRsystem
for privacy management identifies co-photos of owner.
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